April 24, 2011

Sister Wives Of Weber County

I talked to my Mama on the phone today and it made me so homesick but I loved getting updated on what's going on back home. There are a couple of things that I just HAD to share with y'all. First, my little 3-year-old niece found a little piece of lint on the floor at her daycare and has lovingly named it Fluffy. She takes it with her everywhere. I am hating that I don't have a picture of her because her cute little face makes it that much more adorable. She had been keeping it in a plastic egg on Easter and when she went to show it off, it fell into an Easter Basket. She got so upset that she had lost Fluffy. Fortunately, after some digging they were able to locate her little friend. This girl is too pickin' cute.

Second, My Mom met a nice guy who asked her if he could call her sometime. They had been talking on the phone and were getting to know eachother when my Mom asked if he was divorced or widowed or what his situation was. He replied that he is actually married. Here's the kicker..apparently, he is looking for a sister wife! No joke. I didn't think this stuff happened in real life but alas, polygamy is making a comeback people!

BTW, Mom politely turned him down. Thankfully, there are no french braids in her future


Harada's said...

Seriously!? Thats crazy funny. =)

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