This year has been extremely testing in the homeschool department and has really caused me to think a lot about how this has been going. I really feel that it was a good idea considering that we were moving so much and I didn't want the kiddo to fall behind. I love that I get to spend extra time with him and it really helps to know what he's learning and what he needs to work on. Having said that, sometimes I feel like I am failing miserably. My biggest issue has been getting him motivated to do it at all. He complains and whines and makes excuse after excuse. A lot of the time I think he pretends not to understand something just so he can buy more time. This kind of attitude would never fly in public school. Obviously, he is acting this way because he feels he can get away with it. This means that it is my fault.
I try nagging, rewarding, punishing and finally, yelling which almost always ends in tears. We spend at least half of our time just getting him to start than actually completing the work. I hate this about our situation and feel that I am doing him a diservice. I am so frustrated!
So there it is...the truth. As much as I love being with him, I really cannot wait for him to go to public school next year. Teachers have their work cut out for them. Seriously
Yeah, there's one thing a parent cannot use to coax a kid to try harder and NOT act out...peer pressure. Public education offers lots of advantages, IF the teacher knows how to use it. Many do not, so your homeschooling idea wasn't necessarily a bad idea. Until he goes back, you MIGHT try offering a single lego piece for every academic task he does. Dunno, every kid is different.
I do not envy parents!
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