August 13, 2010


It has felt so strange to have all of these new things coming up and not have my husband here to talk to about it all. His training leaves him with just a few hours at night and well, it's just not the same over the phone. I could really use a hug. I have been online looking for housing costs and weather info etc. I'm trying to calm myself by making what little planning I can right now but really, we have 6 weeks more to go and there isn't a whole lot for me to do. I am just waiting and worrying.
I truly commend military wives. How do they all do this? I hope I will learn to adjust and learn this process. This is my first time moving away and it's incredibly scary. I'd like to have my man pat me on the head and say "don't worry honey, I'll take care of it", but that isn't how this works is it? He's already doing so much and we have such a short time between when his training is done and when we leave. So, I'm going to put my big girl pants on and I will get us packed, find a place, and we will be fine. I know this will all be worth it when the three of us FINALLY get to start our real life together. The three of us, under one roof....I can hardly wait.


Haylee said...

Being a military wife is HARD...but if there is anyone that can do it, it's you! You're one tough cookie!! If you ever need anything, advice, suggestions, or just someone to talk/vent to about 'military life' can always call me! We've been through moves, deployment, and the every day life of the military......and you CAN do it! Welcome to the club!!

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