October 7, 2011


I asked Isaac what I should blog about today and his response was "Isaac is awesome!!!" So here we go...

Isaac is awesome because he is so smart! He loves to read, he's doing great in school and he is telling me something new he's learned every day. He is so creative and imaginative. He is also such a compassionate  and helpful little boy. He loves his sister so much and I couldn't have asked for a better brother for her. I've caught him giving her kisses on her nose and when we are out, he loves to show her off. He is such a great kid! He is so good at making friends and he's my little social butterfly. Whenever we go to the coffee shop, he runs into lots of people he knows. I am so proud of him.

You know what else? My Daphne is awesome too. She's trying so hard to sit up whenever she's laying down. She has learned how to make spit bubbles and she yells to hear her own voice. Her little personality is unfolding everyday. She is so laid back and hardly ever causes a fuss. She doesn't even cry really, just squawks a bit if it's really important.

Also awesome-
Jeans that fit just right
Vanilla cinnamon lattes
Friends you can talk about anything with
My Nook
Gluten free bakeries
Hoodies that zip up
Daphne's stretches when she first wakes up
Chile Rellenos
Married Life
Half price coffee refills
Isaac during our bedtime routine (this includes him saying "amen" after prayers for Merrill, Daphne and Daisy)
My Hubby


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