We took the kiddo to Pioneer Park for a day of fun and it was going pretty well at first. We went on a train ride, saw some museums, got ice cream, and spent lots of time at the playground. We were getting ready to go when he starts whining that he wants to play mini golf. We explained that we had already done everything we could and it was time to head home. Then he got very ugly about it. Why are kids so damned ungrateful? It wouldn't be a big deal if this had been the only time but this happens often. No matter what you do for them and give them, they always want more. Not only is that frustrating but it kind of puts a damper on the whole day. One minute you feel like you did a good thing and gave him a special day and the next you feel like your efforts weren't even acknowledged.
Is this a regular thing with kids or have I raised an incredibly selfish child? How do you get them to appreciate all you do? Am I going to have to take away his things in order to teach him? How does everyone else deal with this stuff? Help!
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
I'm afaid it's a never ending lesson - we deal with this all the time. After so much fun...the one thing you didn't do makes it "the worstest day ever!" I'm hoping with enough reinforcement and time, they'll grow out of it some. I'm thinking we need to start giving them more service/volunteer opportunities too. See what they have to be grateful for. Anyway - we'll keep trying. :-)
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