Well...we found out yesterday that we got the little log house we were hoping for, yay! Now we know what school the kiddo will be attending, Weller Elementary. We went there today and it's cute, the people are very nice and the class sizes seem really small. I guess that's one of the benefits of living away from town. He starts tomorrow :) We will also be moving into our house this week and I am thrilled. It's sooo cute and nice and big too. My only issue is furniture. Ours will take about a month to get here from Utah and we are still unsure about furniture rental. We thought the ARMY would pay for rentals but Hubby thinks that may only be the case with on-post housing, Shoot!!! We will be finding out ASAP.
It has really started snowing heavily today and word is the snow is "here to stay". It's really pretty fluffy snow and kiddo can't wait to play in it. Funny thing we learned about his school regarding the weather is that recess will be held indoors during "inclement weather" which is -20 degrees or colder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmk
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
Exciting! Please post pictures of your house and the snow soon! Sorry about your furniture.. I am sure you guys can get creative though. :)
SNOW!! Is there ever summer there? Istill can't beleive your in Alaska. When will we ever see each other again my Riccilou?
just be carefull with those small town types. they are either vampires(not the twilight kind) or those who dig on the "not of age-ed" so be afraid. and don't let your log cabin burn to the ground. ITS MADE OUT OF WOOD!!!! so be afraid.
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