May 13, 2011

Da Birds and Da Bees

I remember very vividly the day my Mom gave us "the talk'. She sat me and my sister down on her lap and it went like this "sex is a good thing but don't do it until you are married". That was it. I remember walking away from it thinking "what is sex?" It was something that we never spoke of growing up and I always wanted to make sure that I would be as open as possible with my kids. Then, the dreaded day came.

I had animal planet on the TV while I was doing something else when suddenly, I hear "Ewwwww, Mom! That elephant is pooping out a baby!!!" he was horrified. I knew it was time to explain even though I hadn't planned on it being this soon (He's seven). Luckily, I was able to tell him clearly and in detail and it all went pretty well. Yay me right?

Then, the other day he asked me what a tampon was. I was far more uncomfortable talking about that than sex. It was scary and embarrassing. Is it for everyone else? So now I need some input. I am dying to know how other people told their kids and how your parents told you. Sphill!


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