We've had some changes in our plans and I've been too busy to write. We found out that because baby girl is due within 3 months of deployment, hubby can stay back for birth and go late. I am thrilled to have him here for the birth but a bit stressed at the last minute change in plans. We will have to stay in Alaska and I will have the baby here. We had already started packing and gave our landlord notice that we would be out this month but now we will be here until July. So we are moving into an apartment for the next few months and keeping most of our stuff in storage. Hubby will get to be here until 10 days after the birth and then he will go to Afghanistan and I will head back to Utah until he gets back. My BFF will be flying out here and will help me take the long road trip home. We can't afford to ship our car and things so this is the best I can come up with. My Mom will fly out to help with baby and the kiddo will fly home with her so that he won't have to make the trip with a screaming baby sister. I'm crossing my fingers that this will all work out.
Other than that, things are going well. I am loving my Hubby more every day. He is so great with the kiddo and helps me so much. Sometimes in my hormonal state, I get impatient and moody and don't want to play along but Hubby is so great and will always indulge him in his games and pretending. Thank goodness because I can be such a b*tch these days. Oh, the joys of being knocked up! Yesterday, we went to an event called "Mush For Kids" where kiddo got a dog sled ride and we got to see lots of beautiful sled dogs. It was lots of fun. Another good thing is that the weather here is FINALLY getting better. We've been in the 30's this week and all of the ice on the main roads has begun melting. And on top of that, we will get to see what summer is like here.
Baby girl is doing well too. She has become very active and not only can I feel her move now, but I can see my stomach move when she kicks me. Sometimes she'll go all morning and I can't help but laugh at her acrobatics. I wish I could take her out and play with her! I want to see her little face. Just 3 more months...
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
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