I've gotta say that I have an amazing little son. We have started doing chores and giving him an allowance for doing them daily. Not only does he do them, but he looks foward to it and never complains even though one of them includes cleaning up puppy pads. He also has decided that he would like to save up his allowance. He wants this lego set that is $60 and has already gone a month of saving his money. What a guy.
Today, when went grocery shopping, he insisted that we get lots of healthy foods. As we walked down the chip/snack isle, he covered his eyes and hurried through saying "I'm not looking"!!! Did I mention he has discovered that he loves to clean toilets? How did I get so lucky? Not only is he helpful around the house but he is a very caring, compassionate and intelligent little boy. I am blessed
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
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