i am sitting at the storage unit, waiting for the movers to get here. i am thinking about my friends right now and how much i love them. i have always felt that i was so blessed when it comes to my amazing friendships. we have been friends for sooo long and been through sooo much together. i know i can count on them and trust them and i know that when we go for a time without seeing eachother, we can pick up where we left off. i love my friends and i can say without question that i will never find friends like these again in my lifetime.
i am so afraid to leave them. i wish i could bring them with me dammit. how can anyone possibly live up to these people? each friend i meet in our new adventure will be a disappointment. no one can live up to the ones i am honored to call my friends.
so there it is, i just needed to lay this out there. it can be so hard to speak from the heart in person, im a coward like that ;) but know that i love you and appreciate you more than a stupid blog can ever describe. thank you for being there for me.
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