So...The hubby gets done with his course on the 24th of September and its looking like he only has 5 days leave rather than the 10 that we thought he had. This means that he may be heading out to Alaska right away rather then having some time at home first and then we will fly out and meet him there. I really wanted this to be something we did together but it isn't looking that way. Obstacle #1.
Because Alaska is considered overseas, me and the kiddo need to get a physical done along with medical screening paperwork etc. I enrolled in Tricare yesterday where they told me I had to receive all of my medical care on base. I called the base clinic today to schedule an appointment and they told me that they couldn't see me until September 20th. I explained that it was a physical required by military before we move and she transferred me to someone else to see if I could get in sooner. The next person I spoke to told me that I am enrolled in Tricare Standard which is for acute care only. She said I needed to enroll in Tricare Prime. I called Tricare and they told me that the clinic decides whether or not to see me and that I was only Tricare standard until the Tricare Prime kicked in on the 1st. She said that the clinic should see me. OKAY...I call back the clinic and explain what Tricare told me and this time they say that I need to be seen off base. They can't see me there, period. So I call Tricare AGAIN! They tell me that I HAVE to be seen on base. They will not cover off base visits and that its a military physical and an off base doctor cannot complete the paperwork. Then they refer me to a patient advocate. OKAY...Patient advocate not there. Left Message. Still waiting. I hate this! Obstacle #2
Throughout all of this I can't help but notice how rude the people who work at HAFB are. Why are military people so rude? I noticed the same thing at commissary and BX. I get that it's not your traditional customer service type job as you are military and special bla bla bla, but what about common decency from one human being to another? Can I at least be granted that? I have never been treated so rudely. Once we move, I will do everything in my power to stay away from these people. Obstacle #3
I need a glass of wine...BADLY!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 week ago
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