1. Find out what day we are leaving!!!
2. pack up everything and move it to our storage unit
3. Find out how long it will take to get our stuff once it's shipped
4. Find out if military will pay for our hotel in advance while we are looking for a house
5. Get medical records
6. Get military ID
7. Need SUV/Snow friendly car
8. Find a place to store my car in Utah until we are ready to sell it
9. Put together a list from classifieds for house hunting
10. Get battery warmer/charger for car
11. Find a home for Jeff the frog...Anyone? Anyone?
12. Transfer kiddos records for school
13. Find out if military will pay for rental car while we wait for ours to get there
14. Gather bills to prepare for change of address
15. Make a budget
16. Refill my Prozac :)
17. happy lights
18. Buy boots for kiddo along with hats, gloves and scarves
19. Get new inhaler and nebulizer for kiddo. This weather will not be good for his asthma
20. Seek mental health professional should I go completely nuts
21. If all else fails, stock up on wine
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
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