After speaking with my husband the other night about some of our moving arrangements, I completely lost it. Currently all of our things are in a storage unit and we are being told that the movers need someone to be there when they come to get it. The thing is, they won't set an appointment or even give us a window of when it will be. We are expected to wait at our storage unit from 8 am to 5 pm! Really?...Really? Not only that but they will be unpacking all of our things and then repacking them to inventory it all. I get the purpose of this but I am so frustrated that all of my hours of hard work are going to be torn apart and some strangers are going to have their hands through all of our stuff.
I have come to accept this now but the other night I had myself a nice panic attack. I couldn't stop crying and got to the point where I couldn't breathe. I just kept thinking how unfair this was that we have to do everything according to someone elses plans. I have been feeling like my life is no longer my own. I feel out of control and lost. It would be one thing if the things we were being asked to do were reasonable and in a timely manner, but they have been ridiculous! They were so late with giving my husband his orders that we won't be able to travel with him because it would take too long to get passports. My Hubby tells me this isn't how it usually is and I pray he is right. Between the short notice and the medical issues I am thinking that these people are completely incompetent.
Thankfully, in the middle of this freakout, my Hubby called me and calmed me as he always does. I don't know what I would do without him. I love him so much and when I hear his voice I know that everything will be okay.
So here we are, possibly a few steps closer. We have a moving date set, Thursday the 23rd, for our belongings and got in to a doctor (which is a whole story in itself and may have been useless). We have got all of our winter gear as well. This is all becoming real. Hopefully I can get through these next few weeks and everything will begin to fall into place.
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
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