My beautiful sister passed away three years ago today after a long battle with breast cancer. She was magical. Everywhere she went she brought smiles. She was always there to listen. She didn't ask if she could help, she insisted. She didn't give you the opportunity to say no because she wanted to help others, always. When my son was little and I was newly divorced, she was my rock. I don't know that I could have made it through without her. She wasn't given the opportunity to have children of her own, but she was absolutely a second mommy to my son.
After she was gone there was this shift in the world. The mood was different. There wasn't the same energy.
I don't think things can ever go back to normal once you've had the opportunity of knowing and then losing someone so amazing, but we are trying. It's so hard to understand how someone so wonderful can be taken away like that. Why? Perhaps one day we will know. Until then I will continue to look back and smile at the very thought of her.
How To Care For Snake Plants
2 weeks ago
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